March 22 – still home

Dear West Denmarkians,
As you know, no one is going anywhere!  Yet, the body of Christ that is the church does not require a building. The council and I are busily finding new ways to “come together” and stay in contact, if not in touch. For now, I will continue to direct you here to the website for Sunday prayers, the sermon and hymns (you supply the tune!)

Next week we will have either an audio or video of the sermon posted here.  Chris Tou is working with me to upgrade to make it more lively.

We are adding participation options like a place for your written response, or a conversation board of some kind, and Molly is creating a podcast to replicate the weekly lenten reflections. We have combined several menu tabs to decrease clutter while saving content, as a way of highlighting the responsive, participatory aspects.

These are creative ways of opening ourselves to the wide world. 
BUT, the internet does not reach everyone, and nothing replaces a human voice telling you that you are being thought of, and missed, and prayed for. Please reach out to those who ‘share your pew’. And maybe the one ahead of you, too. Give them a call, send a card. (May I suggest it)… cross the isle! 
Thank you for being the faith you believe.

In this and every circumstance, know that you are loved.
Pastor Linda