Sounds of Home – (W)rap

Tuesdays at 2pm
Welcome to the May 11th edition of Sounds of Home!

Song of Home

Sing a song by the fire, chant it sweet and low;
Sing of love, hope, desire, as the embers glow.
Harmony rich and warm, cadence loud and strong,
Melody full of charm, beautiful our song;
Sing of work, sing of friends, sing of those who roam;
But before singing ends, sing a song of home.

Sing a song with the earth, sing with meadows gay,
With the fields sing with mirth, merry roundelay.
Sing with hills in the sun, forests cool and dim,
When the long day is done, join the evening hymn;
Sing above ocean’s roar, with the spraying foam;
But before songs are o’er, sing a song of home.

Text: Ellen J. Lorenz
Music: Largo from New World Symphony by Antonín Dvořák

Bridget Lois Jensen being wrapped in “Until Spring,” an art piece she performed with Breath and Bone/Orts Performance. Photo by Alex Barber

Here’s a link to a video by Qualia Video Productions of the wrapping:

5 thoughts on “Sounds of Home – (W)rap

  • May 11, 2021 at 6:22 pm

    What a beautiful ending to an lovely sharing and drawing together of friends and family. Thanks for your creativity and faithfulness to put this together, Molly and Chris
    God bless you both.

  • May 11, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    Chris and Harry ~ I can only shake my head…. but I’ll be smiling for quite a while. Choir has new rhythmic horizons (challenges)!?

    And what an ending! Chris, Molly, Molly’s dad and brother (sorry, I’m blanking on names): Thank you soooo much. Gorgeous. I’m brought to tears.

    Thank you, Molly, what a gift you’ve given. I’ll be waiting for “next time”.

  • May 12, 2021 at 9:03 am

    Thank you Molly, Chris and all. This has been a wonderful gift.

  • May 14, 2021 at 2:38 pm

    Chris and Harry; you two never cease to amaze me! What a fun performance you gave. And, Molly, Chris and family, your music has been incredible. Thank you for all your hard work on your very special program. Way to go all of you!

  • May 15, 2021 at 6:02 am

    Thank you! Molly and all who contributed. Loved the music as it brought back memories of Family Camp.

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