Tuesdays at 2pm
Welcome to the April 13th edition of Sounds of Home!
This is My Song
This is my song, O God of all the nations,
a song of peace for lands afar and mine.
This is my home, the country where my heart is,
here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine;
but other hearts in other lands are beating
with hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.
My country’s skies are bluer than the ocean,
and sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine.
But other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
and skies are ev’rywhere as as blue as mine.
So hear my song, O God of all the nations,
a song of peace for their land and for mine.
Text: Lloyd Stone
Music: Jean Sibelius
Like to lend your voice?
Our upcoming theme is “rock”
If you have a response to this theme – whether a story or memory, original piece of writing or poetry, music, radio drama, or one-liner – the sky’s the limit – or would like to guest host or lead a song to sing together,
we’re eager to hear from you!
Still have a thought for “land”?
Send it in and we’ll include it at the beginning of the program.
To submit a response,
please make an audio recording and email it to Molly
or send in a written response to be read aloud on the program.
Contact Molly at tulkmo01@luther.edu for information and submissions.
Submission deadline is Monday, April 19th.
What a lovely rendition of that beautiful song. Thank you, Molly!
So lovely. Many thanks.
Hi Molly; Thank you for singing one of my very favorite songs! Chris