Sounds of Home – Drift

Tuesdays at 2pm
Welcome to the October 20th edition of Sounds of Home!

Now Peace Descends
vs. 1-4

Now peace descends on wings of night. On countryside and town,
The stars unveil, the moon grows bright with silv’ry clouds around.

On yonder stream so smooth and slow a boatman drifts along;
With stars above and stars below he sings his evensong:

“Deep stillness reigns from East to West, from shore to distant hill;
Thou pilgrim spirit in my breast, be still, my soul, be still!

“May peace on all the hearts descend that struggle hopelessly!
Peace be with him who is my friend and with my enemy!”

Text: B.S. Ingemann; trans. by S.D. Rodholm
Music: R. Bay

Like to lend your voice?
Our upcoming theme is “shell”

If you have a response to this theme – whether a story or memory, original piece of writing or poetry, music, radio drama, or one-liner – the sky’s the limit – between 5 seconds and 5 minutes in length – or if you would like to guest host or lead a song to sing together — we’re eager to hear from you!

To submit a response, please make an audio recording and email it to Molly,
or send in a written response to be read aloud on the program.

Contact Molly at for information and submissions.
Submission deadline is Monday, October 26th.

One thought on “Sounds of Home – Drift

  • October 20, 2020 at 2:38 pm

    Thanks for the piano solo, Chris. Your practicing is showing.

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